Criticalist, Director of Science Ethos Veterinary Health Potters Bar, England, United Kingdom
Background: Accurate methods for blood glucose measurement are imperative to directing therapy in patients with dysglycemic conditions. AlphaTRAK® 2 (AT2) Blood Glucose Monitoring System is currently available for glucose measurement in dogs and cats. A newer generation device, AlphaTrak 3 (AT3), has been developed to continue to provide accurate blood glucose monitoring.
Objectives: Demonstrate clinical accuracy of AT3 beta device in a clinical cohort of dogs compared to reference method.
Animals: 108 client-owned dogs with normoglycemia and dysglycemia.
Methods: 3 mL blood was collected from each dog. Whole blood aliquots were immediately tested concurrently on three AT3 devices using three lots of test strips. Plasma glucose was also measured in triplicate by a Beckman Coulter Chemistry Analyzer. Success defined as 95% of measured values falling within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) accuracy threshold and 99% of measurements falling within zones A and B of the Consensus Error Grid (CEG). A linear regression model was also used to demonstrate correlation.
Results: 308 of 324 glucose measurements (95.1%) fell within the ISO accuracy threshold. 100% of measurements fell within CEG zones A and B. The linear regression analysis had a correlation coefficient (R²) of 0.98, with a slight positive bias in glucose measurements of 500 – 630 mg/dL.
Conclusions and clinical importance: The analytical performance of AlphaTrak 3 was comparable to the reference over a range of canine blood glucose measurements, confirming that AlphaTrak 3 met the ISO success criteria and can be utilized for clinical decision making in diabetic dogs.