Master`s student School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil/ GastroVet São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Background: Intestinal microbiota plays an important role in canine enteropathies. Probiotics are often used as an adjuvant treatment in dogs with acute and chronic enteropathy. Several studies suggest an optimal concentration for probiotics, however, there are no literature comparing the dosage of probiotics available in the market.
Objectives: To evaluate the concentration and dose recommendation of microorganisms listed on the label of probiotic products sold for dogs in Brazil, with the doses recommended in the literature.
Animals: none
Methods: Evaluation of microorganisms, concentration per strain (cfu/g) and the global amount of microorganisms (cfu/g) of probiotics available in Brazil and compared with the average dose (cfu/day) used in the studies that suggested beneficial effect of probiotics in dogs with enteropathies.
Results: 18 probiotics were included in the study. E. faecium (range: 1.66x105 - 3.5x109 cfu/g) and L. acidophilus (range: 3.33x105 - 8.6x109 cfu/g) were the most frequent, found in 16 of 18 products. The global average of microorganisms was 2.55x109 cfu/g (1.33x106 - 25x1010). From the 22 studies that suggested improved gastrointestinal clinical signs from probiotics the average global dose recommend was 7.83x1010 cfu/dog/day (1.5x107 - 4.5x1011). In Brazilian probiotics the average daily amount to reach the minimum study doses were 0.94 g/dog (range: 0.001-11; mean: 0.015), average study dose 4897 g/dog (3.5-58818; 77 g/dog), and maximum 28149 g/dog (20-338092; 445 g/dog).
Conclusions: There is wide variation in the concentration of microorganisms declared on the labels of Brazilian probiotic products. Reaching the mean dose used in studies that showed improvement in dogs with enteropathies is not feasible.