Presentation Description / Summary: The competency framework for veterinary specialists can be characterised by a knowledge of the highest level but also advanced levels of intellectual and practical skills. Computer based testing functions well for the determination of knowledge, of any level. However determination of the intellectual and practical skills required of specialists do not immediately lend themselves to computer based testing, especially of the standard multiple choice format. This session will discuss how the single best answer format should be applied to different levels of education, using the concept of a continuum of correct answers. When assessing undergraduates distractors should be clearly differentiated, while in specialist exams the selection of ‘the best’ answer should test both Al those higher levels of knowledge and complex intellectual domains. Other question formats that require prioritisation and justification will also be discussed. Finally, options for the assessment of practical competencies of our new diplomates will be discussed.
Learner Outcomes: Differentiate single correct and single best answer questions in the assessment of higher learning domains Critique and identify common question writing flaws in single best answer questions Describe novel assessment methods that can augment computer based testing
Learning Objectives:
Describe measures of validity determination in computer based testing
Compare validity measures of different forms of rapid response format in computer based testing
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of methods for assessing advanced outcomes in specialty assessment